Parashara's Light 9.0 (Windows) is now available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi
Parashara's Light 9.0 (Mac) is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Punjabi.
Anka Jyotish in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada & Telugu.
Vedic Vaastu is available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil & Telugu.
Parashara's Light 9.0
It features a wealth of calculations, charts, tables, and interpretive reports.
Parashara's Light
Android Version
It is the ultimate and the most innovative Vedic Astrology Software for mobile phones & tablets! .
Vedic Vaastu 2.0
Traditional Vaastu for Modern Builds!
Anka Jyotish
Anka Jyotish software is for predictions based on numerological calcuations.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf 1.2
Vedic Bookshelf is a classical Vedic Library at your fingertips.
Shri Muhurta
Automatically finds the most favorable time and date for any occasion.
Generate your Birth Star, Birth Chart, Mangala Dosha, Compatibility and Gem Recommendation Reports
Free and Instantly
from Instant Reports section on
Pocket Sheet
Shipping Amount
180 x 130 mm
Price (INR):
per rims (250 pages)
Description: |
These are used to print pocket sized horoscopes. Every inner sheet is made up of 80 gsm paper and has a dimension of 180 X 130 mm. The inner sheet has a red border both towards the left and the right that has some Sanskrit shlokas written on it. Two pages can be simulatensouly printed on one side of the sheet and printing is usually done on both sides of this sheet. The inner sheets are usually shipped as a rim of 250 pages. The quoted price refers to the price per rim.